The 4th edition of Turbine’s Pre Incubation Program  began this week. This year due to the impacts of COVID-19, the application of Test Drive 4 was extended to encourage more people to come out with innovative solutions to combat this crisis. Out of 125 projects, only 8 have been selected!

How does it work? 

We kicked off the Test Drive Program with a Meet & Greet session on 6 May 2020 with all the participants, Turbine’s team and business coaches online. During this period, the participants will receive 6 online workshops delivered by Turbine’s experts namely Gemstone Training, Jane Delorie, Chen Hindi, Marc Israel and Aarti Gundooa from PwC. This time, exceptionally, all the workshops will be conducted through webinars with the continuous support from our business coaches as well.

The aim of the workshops is to support participants develop their ideas into a business plan and a Pitch within 6 weeks.

These workshops consist of the following topics:

  • Lean Canvas
  • Value Proposition
  • Milestone Plan
  • Market Research
  • Online Marketing
  • Revenue Model
  • Pitch Deck

Investor Pitch & Prizes

The most important part of the Test Drive is the investor pitch where all the participants have the chance to pitch their projects to a panel of investors, professionals and business angels. Usually, the best project is rewarded with a cash prize followed by an opportunity to be incubated at Turbine.

This year 3 different prizes will be offered by our 3 sponsors MCB, PwC and Spoon Consulting.

  • Rs75,000 will be offered by MCB to The most impactful business idea
  • Rs75,000 will be offered by PwC to The most promising business idea
  • Rs75,000 will be offered by Spoon Consulting to The most innovative business idea

Pre Incubation & Incubation 

In the last 3 years, Turbine has pre incubated more than 90 aspiring entrepreneurs to develop their idea. 20 starts ups have been incubated with us and we currently have 8 start-ups under the incubation Programme.

Turbine provides its incubates with a free workspace in its co working area and weekly coaching sessions by its business coaches Marc Israel, Alexandrine Maigrot, Michel Juanico and Aysha Julie. The incubates also acquire visibility and recognition for their work in the entrepreneurial ecosystem through Turbine’s platforms.


Visit our blog to read more on our previous Test Drive Programs and the success stories of our incubates!