Business for entrepreneurs are their passion project, but it’s probably also their number one source of stress.

So entrepreneur, when your productivity is directly tied to your business’s success, it’s all too easy to neglect life’s necessities in favor of long hours at work. However, while it’s good to chase your goals, successful entrepreneurship requires balance.

It’s possible to achieve work-life balance, manage your stress, and still achieve your business goals, but it doesn’t come without a little effort. Here are four changes you need to make to strike a healthier balance for your business.

Set a Work Schedule and Develop Routines

Routines and schedules foster productivity and prevent work from bleeding over into the rest of life. They also provide structure and predictability in the often-unpredictable world of entrepreneurship. Decide what time to start and finish each workday and commit to it. Zapier recommends adopting a morning routine to get you in the right headspace for work and an evening routine to put today behind you and prepare for tomorrow. During your workday, schedule your time so you know exactly how long you can spend on each task without sacrificing productivity in the process.

Upgrade Your Workspace

You won’t be productive if your desk chair is giving you backaches, your computer is running slowly, or your family is interrupting you every five minutes. And as an entrepreneur, letting your productivity suffer is as good as throwing money away.


If you’re working from a home office, make sure it’s ergonomic, organized, and free from unnecessary distraction. If outdated equipment is holding you back, upgrade it. You’ll easily pay back your investment with increased productivity. Also, if your home office has too many limitations, a co-working space could be the answer. With clean and ergonomic workspaces, co-working spaces offer a professional and convenient office environment for entrepreneurs. Plus, co-working spaces offer a lot of other benefits to budding businesses.

Be Good to Your Body

Junk foods and sugary drinks help you power through hectic days at work, but they’re not the best for your health or your productivity. Instead, be deliberate about what you eat and drink. You’ll fuel your body with high-quality foods and hydration that keep you operating at peak performance throughout the workday and beyond.


Eating well is easier when you plan ahead. Plan and prep meals at the beginning of each week so you can grab and go in the morning. Keep a reusable water bottle at your desk so it’s convenient to stay hydrated, and watch your coffee consumption. A little caffeine is great for a boost, but too much could lead to insomnia, anxiety, and other unpleasant effects.


Don’t forget sleep! Not surprisingly, sleep is key to your ability to stay focused at work. If you forego sleep to chase deadlines, you’ll pay for it in lost productivity the next day. If you routinely skip sleep, both your business and your health will suffer.

Keep Your Finances on Track

There aren’t enough healthy routines and habits in the world to make up for the stress caused by financial woes. As a business owner, it’s imperative that you actively manage your business’ finances. If you don’t, it’s only a matter of time before your business fails. Additionally, entrepreneurs must closely monitor their cash flow. Staples Business Resource Center lays out the basics of cash flow management that every entrepreneur needs to know.


Entrepreneurship isn’t like other jobs. When you run your own business, you have more freedom and flexibility than you’d ever find in a typical career. However, if you don’t manage your business effectively, you’ll also have more stress, longer hours, and less financial certainty. With these tips, you can run a business that’s as manageable as it is successful.

If you still need help or guidance, you can always contact Turbine Business Incubator. This incubator for start-up is located in Moka, Mauritius and has for mission to enhance the entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem in the Indian ocean. You will eventually find solace by discussing with the Turbine team.